Seth playing "Trick Your Neighbor"- he doesn't have much of a Poker face!
And the rest of us at the card table.
The rest of the weekend activities were just as fun. Grandpa, Uncle Louie and Seth took several bike rides around the neighborhood. This seems to be one of Seth's favorite things to do there and he's really building his stamina. He often rides his bike on their back patio too. Isabelle joined them for one bike ride (but ducked out of this picture) and rode on the patio too.
Grandma took Parker on several walks. Here's one where he almost fell asleep. How giant Parker looks for a 9-month old!
Here are some creative photos of her nails. She was in the mood for pictures, so we took advantage of that.
Now that he can crawl, Parker was able to explore a lot of new things around the house, which also made it more work for us to make sure he didn't get into any trouble!
We went swimming at Aunt Nancy's neighborhood pool.
Isabelle jumped off the diving board for the first time ever! She liked it!
On Sunday, Aunt Nancy offered to take Isabelle and Seth to her house for lunch and to play on the playground. I couldn't pass that up! They got to ride in her convertible and they had a great time playing there. I got some downtime while Parker napped. Thank you, Aunt Nancy!